Course Catalog

Mountain City Christian Academy offers a broad selection of courses, including core subjects, advanced electives, and hands-on learning experiences. Our courses include:

Elementary School

(Kindergarten - 5th Grade)

Core Subjects

Math, English, History, Science, Bible

Enrichment Classes

PE, Art, Music, Library

Middle School

(6th - 8th Grade)

Core Subjects

Math, English, History, Science, Bible


Typing, STEM, Art, PE, Band, Home Economics, Choir, Orchestra, Study Hall

High School

(9th - 12th Grade)

Core Subjects

Math, English, History, Science, Bible


ASL (American Sign Language) 1 & 2, French 1 & 2, Yearbook, Art, PE, Band, Choir, Orchestra, Home Economics, Health, Weight Lifting, & Learning Lab