By entering in your full name below, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the terms stated below. 1. Hold Harmless Agreement - Vendors understand and acknowledge that Mountain City Christian Academy (MCCA), it's staff, volunteers and affiliates are in no way responsible for damage to property, bodily injury, or theft of merchandise. - Vendors are encouraged to not leave merchandise unattended or left over-night after the Friday set-up/Saturday event. Vendors understand that there is no staff or security left to supervise the safety of displays or products on the Friday after the set-up/Saturday's event. 2. Subletting/Booth Sharing - Vendors are allowed to share booth space with other crafters. All crafters must inform the bazaar officials of the products they are going to sell and must abide by all the rules outlined in the application. - The Mountain City Market does not facilitate booth sharing; vendors are encouraged to find others to share their space with on their own, if they wish to share a booth. 3. Advertising - By participating in the Mountain City Market vendors give permission for photographs, video and other advertising related matters to MCCA and its affiliates. Vendors are given the opportunity for additional advertising by submitting photographs of their crafts to bazaar officials. Photographs will become the property of MCCA and will not be returned. 4. Cancellation Policy - Booth space and fees are non-refundable. Cancellations submitted to the Mountain City Market Committee 60 days prior to the date of the show may be considered for a refund at their discretion.