Our Articles of Faith guide everything we do at Mountain City Christian Academy. Rooted in Biblical principles, our faith statement expresses our beliefs in God’s Word, the Trinity, salvation through Jesus Christ, and the importance of living a life that honors God. We encourage families to explore our Articles of Faith, which form the foundation of our school’s philosophy and influence every aspect of our educational approach.
Biblical Authority: The Bible is viewed as the inspired, inerrant, and sufficient Word of God, serving as the ultimate authority in all matters of faith, morals, and church practices, with the Mountain City Church Board of Directors holding final interpretative authority.
Core Beliefs: The Statement of Faith outlines essential Christian doctrines, including the divinity of the Holy Bible, the nature of God as a Trinity, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the existence of Satan.
Creation and Fall: Belief in a literal Genesis account of creation, where humanity was created in God's image, and a doctrine of the Fall of Man, resulting in universal sin and the need for salvation.
Salvation Through Grace: Salvation is understood as a gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who made atonement for sin. The doctrines of justification, repentance, and new birth are emphasized.
Baptism and Communion: Baptism by immersion and participation in the Lord’s Supper are seen as important practices, symbolizing union with Christ and remembrance of His sacrifice.
Role of the Church: The church is seen as a local assembly of baptized believers who observe Christ’s ordinances, strive to spread the Gospel, and exercise self-governance under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Moral Distinctions: The righteous are distinguished from the wicked, with eternal outcomes based on one’s faith and relationship with God.
Civil Government: Civil government is viewed as a divinely appointed institution that Christians should honor and obey, except when it contradicts God’s commands.
Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality: The church upholds traditional biblical definitions of gender and marriage and expects staff and volunteers to align with these beliefs.
Sanctity of Life: Human life is regarded as sacred from conception to natural death, reflecting the image of God in every individual.