Mission, Vision + Values


Our mission is to develop Christ-centered world changers.

The Christ-centered world changer is

Our vision is to become a world-class, next generation equipping institution. We dream of a day when we see world transformation through the catalyst of Christ-centered education.


The purpose behind all we do is found in two primary passages of Scripture: The Great Commandment and The Great Commission (Matthew 22:36-40 and Matthew 28:18-20). Love God and Love Others; Make Disciples!

Core Values

Core values are the intrinsic motivations that drive us to do what we do in the special way that we do it. Our organization’ s core values are:

Philosophy of Truth

We acknowledge that all truth, knowledge, and wisdom knowable to humans ultimately comes from God alone, We believe that absolute truth exists. Absolute truth is “reality as it pertains to God.” God’s reality, absolute truth is found written in the Holy Scriptures and is testified to by the person of Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:6, 17:17). Consequently, all human wisdom and learning must be understood through the lens of the Holy Bible and must remain subject to the authority of the Holy Bible (Ps. 15:2-3, 25:5, 119:160; 1 Jn. 3:18). Jesus came to testify to the truth of the Scriptures and the reality of God (Jn. 18:37-38). God, as revealed in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the Holy Bible, is the center of all we believe, teach, and do at Mountain Christian Academy (Jn. 1).

Philosophy of Youth Discipleship

Mountain City Christian Academy (MCCA) believes that the parent or legal guardian holds the primary responsibility of discipling their student (Dt. 6:4-7, 11:18-22; “Josh” 24:15; Prov. 22:6). God commands parents to raise their children in Jesus and with the help of the Body of Christ in the context of the local church to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus. Therefore, as a third-party parachurch ministry, the Christian school is designed to partner with home and church to provide a holistic educational system that helps accomplish this same goal.

Philosophy of Education

Based upon our philosophies of Truth and Youth Discipleship, our philosophy of education is that the personal salvation and sanctification of each student is our primary concern. Therefore, our scholastic program is designed to partner with the home and the local church to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We accomplish this by providing a Christ-Centered, missionally focused education that equips our students to engage the culture and change it. It is our duty to help families train their students in such a manner that they are prepared to enter the next phase of God’s calling for their life and leverage their time, talent, and treasure to build the kingdom of God. We educate to produce Christ-Centered world changers.

Philosophy of Equipping

As educators, we are on the front lines of world change; a key to the future is the resilience of the next generation. That is why our philosophy of education must lead to a philosophy of equipping. We educate because it is our God-given calling to spread His gospel and change the world for His kingdom. We educate because we have a passion to equip the next generation to become the fortified, prepared, and provisioned men and women of society who engage the culture and help change it. We train our students for a spiritual culture war because that is what they are facing. Equipping the next generation for their battles is what we aim to do.

The Christ-Centered World Changer is...

Fully Surrendered to Jesus

  • Personal proclamation of faith
  • Church/youth group attendance
  • Survey on student spiritual growth
  • School behavior record

Academically Equipped

  • MAP, SAT, PSAT test scores
  • GPA
  • Involvement in extracurricular activities

Physically Healthy

  • Successful completion of PE & Health class
  • Habit tracker of good health practices
  • Participation in recess
  • Vision and hearing tests
  • Health records and surveys

Missionally Minded

  • Community service hours
  • Church/youth group attendance
  • Participation in mission trips
  • Personal testimonials

Socially and Emotionally Mature

  • School behavior record
  • Self-analysis assessments
  • Attendance record
  • Involvement in peer groups

Culturally Intelligent

  • Civic engagement
  • Self-analysis assessments
  • Involvement with foreign language classes and Debate team
  • Track of engagement and interactions with other cultures


  • Involvement with student mentorship program
  • Community service hours
  • Demonstration of leadership involvement